Hello and Welcome!

My name is Mark. By day, I’m a software developer but my full-time job is my family. Like you, I feel that life is moving too fast. I have thoughts swirling at a mile a minute. Bills are due, chores are endless and if you’re like me you are a high-level desktop athlete. 

But once my day is done and the lights dim, I downshift. I roll a jay just to ease my way out of it all. The stress. The expectations. The anxiety. It all fades away for a short time and I’m at peace with that. That’s my preferred choice over a cigar or red wine.

Honestly, I use Cannabis 3-4 times per week. And I thought it’d be worth the investment to take a more responsible look at the relationship I have with this plant, converse with others who are like-minded or opposed and hopefully bring in a fresh and needed perspective for our generation and the next which inherits this gradual change.

I (along with some likeminded colleagues) developed Puff Provisions as a way to express our interest within this misunderstood space. If you’re tuning in to this channel by way of social media, a Google search or word of mouth it should be already evident that we advocate for Cannabis as a movement, an industry and a pop culture shift.

Like others, we’re in the thick of it, figuring out Cannabis integration and acceptance as laws change and markets adapt. We share a common goal in removing Cannabis out of Schedule I classifications such as heroin and cocaine.

We’re a grassroots organization and we’ve developed a talk show paired with a few fun resources aimed at playfully discussing Cannabis or supplementing our adult conversations that came along with it. It’s a space which challenges us daily but we believe that going head first into all of its unknowns and breaking the stigma are best done in an easygoing yet thoughtful perspective. Yes…these are our opinions, our thoughts and our voices in dedication to you, the curious Cannabis consumer. 

Stay tuned, bookmark our website and please follow us on your preferred social media platform.

Thanks for listening and welcome to Puff Provisions. A safe space to talk about Cannabis but most importantly…Your FAVORITE Cannabis Comedy Show!


PS: If you’re interested in collaborating with us, feel free to explore our Services menu up top or fill out the contact form today!