Full Spectrum CBD Oil Prototype (Lemon)

The Premise

For those of you who have tuned in previously, I’ve been referring to the fact that I hold a desk job. A quote unquote Desktop Athlete, if you will.

Since this is part of my lifestyle, I have to take responsibility in balancing that out and my personal fitness routine is precious to me. The sedentary lifestyle is too dangerous so I train. Circuit training, long distance running, calisthenics, kettlebells, steel maces and more importantly Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Whatever I can muster for 60 minutes, 6 days a week with one day for rest.

That being said, it still comes at a cost in terms of muscle aches and other painful incidentals (especially in BJJ) and although I do my best to play it smart, stuff happens. And at the time of this reading, my right shoulder doesn’t have full range of motion and my right knee doesn’t seem to like the idea of running beyond 3 miles.

Low and behold Darrell sends me a text on some samples he received from a colleague regarding CBD oil. Intrigued by his find, I had to check it out. Let’s break this down.

The Product

Full Spectrum CBD Oil in Lemon flavor. A prototype from one of Darrell’s associates, this oil contains the following:

CBD: 60-70%
THC: 0.01-0.03%
Flavor: Lemon

Fill the dropper to the top, apply under the tongue and let it sit for 30 seconds to a minute. Do this for 2-3 times a day.

The Review

I’m a few days in to this product, using it on an as needed basis only. For me personally, applying this prior to exercise (e.g. pre workout supplement) is how I wanted to address any aches. Although there were no official instructions on the bottle, it’s obvious you don’t chug this oil down the tank. A drop by drop approach is the way on integrating this in to your life (should you want it).

I did a 5.10 mile interval run (800 meters fast and 400 meters slow) yesterday but with a proper set up of digesting this oil 15-20 minutes before my actual run.

And yes, I felt it did help. No limping and a mild amount of worry at most. Don’t get me wrong, tapping into this oil is not the silver bullet. However, integrating this oil into my workout routine (again on an as needed basis) is something I just can’t ignore.

You see the week prior, I did the exact same run and my right knee was not happy at about mile 2. The remaining miles were met with an augmented stride and when I settled into walking mode, let’s just say I was a bit ginger with my step.

It’s important that I note this now in the short-term and write this down again with a mid and long-term view. Understanding the efficacy of this oil for me is definitely a Science and I won’t be pitching for any snake oils for you to consume.

At the end of the day, what I can confidently say is that this oil shows promise. However, in a perfect world I’d be pain free and I wouldn’t need this as a supplement. But that’s a different story altogether 😂.

Here’s what I think of this product thus far:


PS: The lemon flavor is reserved. It’s definitely not an offending profile but I wouldn’t sell myself on thinking it’s a candy 😉.